Gambling Related Harm All Party Parliamentary Group questioned Neil McArthur,
Chief Executive of the Gambling Commission on 12th February on its
role as a regulator and its duty in protecting the most vulnerable from
gambling related harm.
of the APPG, Carolyn Harris, along with Vice Chairs Sir Iain Duncan Smith and
Ronnie Cowan and Lord Don Foster pressed the Gambling Commission’s Chief
Executive on a range of issues including asking if the Gambling Commission was
fit for purpose and about the ineffectualness of fines on the behaviour of
online gambling companies.
pressing Mr McArthur on a review of online stakes, he confirmed for the first
time that the Gambling Commission would be reviewing online stakes within six
months. The APPG has previously called for stake limits for online gambling
including a £2 stake limit for slot content, which has been shown to be highly
addictive. The APPG recommended in its November report a ban on the use of
credit cards in gambling. The APPG is pleased that this has now been taken
forward, and is hopeful the Group’s further recommendations are now adopted as
policy without further delay.
Gambling Commission also said that if action wasn’t taken by companies to
reduce the harm caused by lucrative VIP accounts then the Commission would need
to ban them. The Commission agreed also that something needed to be done about
the volume of gambling advertising.
Carolyn Harris MP, Chair of the All Party Gambling Related Harm APPG said:
“A review of stake limits online has been clearly recommended by the All Party Parliamentary Group and is long overdue. I am very pleased that the Gambling Commission has finally seen sense on this. Online slot content games should be reduced to £2 a spin in line with the rules in betting shops. The Gambling Commission must stop being reactive and take action to protect the vulnerable from harm in line with their licensing objectives.”