Archive for December, 2016

Press Release: FOBT APPG Interim Report

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The Fixed Odds Betting Terminals All Party Parliamentary Group is today publishing its interim findings from its inquiry into FOBTs. These are the interim findings of the Group which have been submitted to the Department for Culture Media and Sport as part of its Call for Evidence into gaming machines. A full report setting out more detailed recommendations for the Government will be published by the group in January.

The interim findings are:

  • Collectively we find that, from the extensive evidence presented to us, the Government now has a prima facie case for significantly reducing the £100 stake that can be wagered on a Fixed Odds Betting Terminal. The Group sees a strong case for the stake being set at £2. This call is supported many members of Parliament from all political parties and in both houses of Parliament, it is also, the evidence suggests, supported by a significant majority of the public.
  • At the very least the stake should be reduced on a FOBT on a precautionary basis and the precautionary principle should be applied until sufficient evidence is presented to the Government that the high stakes on these machines do not cause harm.
  • In addition to reviewing the stake level, the Government should also consider reducing the speed of spin on a FOBT in order to reduce the potential for harm to be caused and also review the number of FOBTs permitted in an individual bookmaker.
  • The Government should address localism concerns and calls for greater controls over FOBTs at the local level. Powers should be given to prevent the clustering of betting shops.
  • The Group has heard many reports of the increased levels of crime resulting from the presence of FOBTs in bookmakers. While this suggests the staking level and number of FOBTs should be addressed by the Government, we also urge them to review the levels of staffing in bookmakers to ensure appropriate protection and supervision of players and the safety of bookmaker staff.
  • In considering the impact of FOBTs, it is critical that the Government considers not just the impact on ‘problem gambling’ but wider gambling related harm caused by FOBT machines and the cumulative impact on families and communities that these machines can have.
  • The Government has a duty to protect the most vulnerable in our society and to act in the public interest. We strongly urge them to do so and do so with immediate effect.

Carolyn Harris, Chair of the FOBT APPG said:

“In this interim report we note that, from the evidence presented to us, the Government now has clear case for significantly reducing the £100 stake that can be wagered on a Fixed Odds Betting Terminal.

The Group sees a strong case for the stake being set at £2. This call is supported many members of Parliament from all political parties and in both houses of Parliament, it is also supported by a significant majority of the public.

At the very least, the stake should be reduced on a FOBT on a precautionary basis. The precautionary principle should be applied until sufficient evidence is presented to the Government that the high stakes on these machines do not cause harm rather than the onus being to prove that they do cause harm.

The Government has a duty to protect the most vulnerable in our society and to act in the public interest. We therefore strongly urge them to properly regulate FOBTs and to do so with immediate effect.”

Please click here to download report

Notes to Editors

  1. The Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBT) All Party Parliamentary Group has been created to provide a forum for discussion and further investigation into the impact of FOBTs in our communities. This group, powered by the passion of the members in both houses of Parliament on this issue, will allow a coordinated effort among politicians of all political parties, to come together to discuss how best to address the issues that FOBTs are causing to our communities.
  1. For more information, please contact Carolyn Harris MP, the Chair of the Fixed Odds Betting Terminals All Party Parliamentary Group or the secretariat for the Group: 07973 884797
  1. The Group’s final report will be made publicly available in early 2017.